Welcome to
Back To Life Wellness!
The first
words are always the hardest. Where to
start? First of all, although I have a
story to tell, I want this blog to be for you! If you want to be encouraged, educated, and inspired about your health, you are in the right spot. Given my professional
background, I have knowledge in conventional healthcare and how to
navigate the system. However, through my personal experience, I have learned so much more including alternative
therapies, supplement use, acupuncture, and nutrition to name a few. There will be something for everyone.
One thing we
all have in common in our lives is challenges, right?!
I’m sure you have already thought of yours. It may be illness, relationship issues, job
loss, difficult family life, and the list goes on. I want to share with you a peak into one of my
challenges. This is not to diminish
yours, but rather to be transparent in hopes to encourage you.
One of the lowest points of my recurrent Epstein-Barr
illness was in July of 2017 when I had to leave one of my favorite nursing
jobs. I had already been sick for a
year. Somehow I pushed myself through
that year getting ready for work many times on the floor and not having energy
to do anything outside of work. The
energy was not there for even simple chores like getting groceries not to
mention getting to enjoy fun times with family and friends. Of course pushing myself did not help. The debilitating fatigue and other symptoms worsened to the
point I could not even work from my laptop at home on the couch in my pajamas! I felt like I had fallen even further into an
isolated, endless pit of sickness with not even a thread of a lifeline. At that point, I had to give up my career to
an illness in which doctors (up to that time) did not offer any help or hope. Imagine everything you do, taken away - career,
hobbies, gatherings with friends and family, volunteer work, future plans, and life as you know
it gone. Maybe you have been there. Even
worse, the industry I had been devoted to my entire adult life could not help.
After gathering things from my office desk, which I could barely do without having to lay down, there was the drive home. It wasn’t just another drive home from work. This was different. My husband started the engine, held my hand and said, “Let the healing begin.” The healing began with tears the entire 30 minutes home. No words. Just tears. Like water being released from a flooded dam, my tears released frustration, anger, and resentment. I was scared. I knew I was ill and desperately wanted my life back. However, at that point, the only thing I had energy to do was absolutely nothing.
After gathering things from my office desk, which I could barely do without having to lay down, there was the drive home. It wasn’t just another drive home from work. This was different. My husband started the engine, held my hand and said, “Let the healing begin.” The healing began with tears the entire 30 minutes home. No words. Just tears. Like water being released from a flooded dam, my tears released frustration, anger, and resentment. I was scared. I knew I was ill and desperately wanted my life back. However, at that point, the only thing I had energy to do was absolutely nothing.
Let’s spare
the details of the roller coaster ride and fast-forward to the summer of 2018. At this point I had energy to start doing
research. We are talking hours upon
hours, months upon months of reading mounds of information about EBV
and my symptoms from scientific journals to online support groups. What I learned changed my course. I learned there are many out there like
me. I learned that there is hope. I learned others have recovered. I learned that there are doctors out there
(although few) who are educated about this.
In my work as a health coach, my
mission was to “help clients live to their fullest potential in wellness with
whatever they have been dealt utilizing their strengths, successes, and
failures.” (Yes, failure can be used for
your good!) You may not be going through
what I have been through. However, we
all become ill at some point or have loved ones who will. I think it is safe to say that we all want the best health possible. As this blog continues, you will learn important
information on health and wellness as I intertwine my professional experience with my personal story. So follow me on my journey “Back To Life” and be empowered!
Best in
Share your comments below or contact me directly at mrbush1990@gmail.com
P.S. Coming up next -- You won't want to miss tips on navigating the healthcare system whether you are sick or well.
Disclaimer: This blog is not intended to diagnose, treat,
cure, or prevent any disease. It does
not replace the medical advice of a physician.
The readers should regularly consult with their primary care
practitioner in matters relating to health, disease, and/or symptoms. The
information on this site is for educational purposes only. It is recommended
you speak with your primary care provider before making any lifestyle changes.
Share your comments below or contact me directly at mrbush1990@gmail.com
P.S. Coming up next -- You won't want to miss tips on navigating the healthcare system whether you are sick or well.
"Take time to do what makes your soul happy." (Unknown)